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Freelance, fifty and fucked


The Jeremy Southern story

Run time: 24 years

Directed by: Alan Smithee

Starring: Jeremy Southern


Imdb Rotten Tomatoes Metacritic

1.4 / 10 6% 9%

7% liked this film. ????????????

Jeremy Southern, an elderly, washed-up creative, looks back on his 24 years in the fast-paced and highly competitive world of advertising.

Production location:

Sydney Wellington Dubai Ho Chi Minh Manila

Production budget:

Less than expected


Not enough obviously


Jeremy Southern


I’ve worked with Jeremy and seen his movie. I’m not sure which was the more painful experience.

A. Richa, Managing Director

I expected this to be a bit like Madmen. But there was none of the racy glamour and glitz. He didn’t really drink, do drugs or party. I walked out halfway through.

Amanda B, one of Jeremy’s exes.

Poorly structured. If Hollywood has taught us anything, then it is that every flawed character gets a shot at redemption. I waited expectantly for the heart-warming finale. A last glorious pitch win or Cannes triumph. But instead, it just petered out.

Mike D, Planner

A triumph and absolute tour de force. I loved it.

Jeremy’s mum.

A (thankfully) rare insight into one of advertising’s perennial under-achievers.

Danny S, one of Jeremy’s many ex-bosses.

There was little or no character progression. He started off a miserable fucker and was still a miserable fucker at the end.

Bianca D, Jeremy’s wife

Jeremy has had some quite good ideas over his career. This wasn’t one of them.

Oliver M, Jeremy’s ex-executive creative director.

Not worth leaving self-isolation for. A gloomy, self-absorbed stroll through mediocrity.

Nick C, Jeremy’s brother-in-law.

There’s a recession coming. Save your money for something more fun. Like a trip to the dentist.

Arthur A, Jeremy’s accountant

Curiously aimless. He drifted round the world like a vapid jellyfish, not really making his mark anywhere.

Helen D, Jeremy’s mum in law.

I was given a free ticket and still demanded a refund.

Dale M, Jeremy’s ex-art director

Jeremy is a Sydney-based writer whose career hasn’t ended up quite as intended. If you’d like to help him shoot an alternate ending to this morose biopic, then please consider him for any freelance creative or writing gigs.

Michael K, Jeremy’s recruiter.

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