Chat can search for answers but the answers aren’t its own, Chat can be quite factual though it struggles with the tone, And Chat can do your writing at a fraction of the cost, Whilst never comprehending all the jobs that have been lost. Chat can do it quicker, in a fraction of the time, And beat a writer hollow, even one who’s in his prime, And Chat won’t need an office or a car spot or a wage, That’s why, I guess, Chat GPT is all the fucking rage. Chat it isn’t perfect and it’s syntax strange be can, But what were you expecting, it’s a robot not human,
And whilst its content’s pretty good, it’s not at all unique, Which reassures me slightly that my prospects aren’t so bleak.
Chat I have to tell you is more head than it is heart,
It’s all about the science not so much about the art,
It’s cheap and really useful if you need to do research
But it ain’t good enough just yet to knock us off our perch.